ISSN 2149-4983 | e-ISSN: 2149-9306
Volume : 9 Issue: 2 Year : 2023
Aims and Scope | JAREN / Journal of Academic Research in Nursing

Aims and Scope

Our aim is to prepare a  noteworthy medical  periodical   in which academicians, and healthcare professionals can share their knowledge, and scientific researches by publishing them in our journal, and cite  it as a reference.

Journal of Academic Research in Nursing-JAREN is a national, open-access, independent, unbiased, double-blind  peer-reviewed journal, published in Turkish. In this journal researches, case reports , and review articles on current issues concerning nursing/midwifery, and health sciences are published. Financial support of  this 3 times a year, journal which is published in April, August and December is provided by  Gaziosmanpaşa Taksim Training and Research Hospital
The full text of the published articles can be freely accessed from the website 

Editorial Office
Head Director : Assoc.Prof  Seda GEYLANI GULEÇ, MD, PhD
Address: Gaziosmanpaşa Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Hastalıkları Kliniği, Gaziosmanpaşa -İstanbul
Phone: +90 212 945 30 00
E-mail: [email protected]

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