Purpose: Research is made to be a descriptive study to identify traditional practices of increase breast milk of mothers with children 0-24 months.
Methods: This research was conducted between November-December 2013. The universe of study is made to constitute by Inonu University Turgut Ozal Medical Center Pediatric Outpatient Clinic, newborn and mother admitted to the Intensive Care Unit admissions the mothers with children 0-24 months. It is consisted of 220 mothers determined by the power analysis sample. Mean and Standard deviation values have been calculated and this was use data for the evaluation of percentage.
Results: The research covered 23.6±6.3 years, the average age of mothers and 88.6% of babies breast feeding present during the investigation was found. Mother of 44.1% give breastmilk after birth as the first breastfeed, mother of 49.1% give food, mother of 45.5% start to breast feed the babies after birth the first hour after borning, mother of 32.3% breast feed the baby when the baby cries and mother 44.5% intend to continue to breast feed in fants Mothers believe that nutrients in most legumes (90.0%), the water in all drinks (95.9%) increase in breast feeding. Mothers believe that their milk increases with traditional practices. Mostly applications for nutrition and fluid intake is located.
Conclusions: For efficient and last longer than expected for the period of breastfeeding during pregnancy, traditional structures and beliefs should be taken in to consideration and training should be done regularly and mothers should be informed.