INTRODUCTION: Aim of this study is figure out on pregnants who educated by pregnancy school beetween before education and after their difference educatation knowledge level.
METHODS: This study completed on 70 pregnant participants who educated in pregnancy schooll of a public hospital between in January and july 2015. Before the beginning of study was permited from ethic committee. They were defined with their characteristics of socio- demographic, pregnacy history, knowledge level. After education their knowledge level were again questioned.
RESULTS: In this study average age was 28.13±4.72, 47.1% of them were a university graduated, 44.3% housewife, marriage age of 84.3% were between 21-30 years old. Gestational age avarage was 27.14±5.24, all of them had not any illness, their 72.9 % had first pregnancy. 60% of participants were been informed by health staff. Comparing the study before education and after education right answer percentages; it was determined that increased pregnancy section from 53.36% to 97.44%, childbirth section from 51.98% to 97.7%, puarperal section from 44.56% to 99.14%, breast-feeding section from 44.24% to 100%, baby- care section from 58.56% to 99.72%. It was also determined that increased right answer range between before education and after education from 50.54% to 98.8%. Pre-test scores ranged from 1 to 3 is between 2: 15 ± 0.43 while the average post-test scores of 2.7 and 3 were found to be 2.98 ± 0.04. According to the latest test scores rise in pre-test scores were statistically significant (p <0.01).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this study was found that increased knowledge level of participants as meaningful thanks to the education in pregnancy school. The most of participants had first- pregnancy and also graduated a university.