Assessment of the Relationship between Toy Preferences of Preschool Children and Their Play Behaviors and Social Emotional States
Original Research
P: 178 - 187

Assessment of the Relationship between Toy Preferences of Preschool Children and Their Play Behaviors and Social Emotional States

J Acad Res Nurs 2019;5(3):178-187
1. Department of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Kutahya Health Sciences University, Kutahya
2. Department Of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir
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Received Date: 2018-07-20T14:38:24
Accepted Date: 2019-12-31T10:36:08


Objectives: The research has been planned with the purpose of assessing the relationship between toy preferences of pre-school children and their play behaviors and social emotional states.

Methods: This is an analytical and sectional type of research. Samples of the research have consisted of 155 nursery school children and their parents between the stated dates. The research data has been obtained through "Child Information Form", "Toy Preference Form", "Pre-school Play Behavior Scale" and "Marmara Social Emotional Adaptation Scale".

Results: Among the children participating in the research, 74 have been girls and 81 have been boys, 48.4% have been five years old and 51.6% have been six years old. It has been determined that boys participating in the research preferred model planes, ships, houses (62.9%) and toy warfare tools (77.8%) a lot more than girls did (%25.7, %6.8). Hustle and bustle play and lonely passive play behaviors of boys have been determined to be significantly higher than those of girls (p<0.05). A negative, medium level statistically significant relationship between social emotional adaptations and hustle and bustle play behaviors of children (p=0.001), a positive, medium level statistically significant relationship between their social play behaviors and social emotional adaptations (p=0.001), a negative, weak statistically significant relationship between their quiet play behaviors and social emotional adaptations (p=0.003) have been determined.

Conclusion: Results of the research indicate a significant relationship between children's toy preferences and their social behaviors and social emotional adaptations.

Play, toy preference, play behavior, social adaptation