Aim: 30-35% of pregnancies formed by assisted reproductive techniques are multiple pregnancies. It is very important that the sleeping habits of multiple infants who receive treatment and care in the neonatal intensive care unit are established and that these families continue their habits after discharge. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends sleeping in separate cradles in the same room with parents of twin babies. In this study, it was aimed to investigate nursing researches about co-bedding twin babies between 2007-2017.
Method: The studies published between 2007-2017 on the co-bedding twin babies were included in the study. From international databases, Medline, Pubmed, Science Direct, Ebscohost, Web of Science, OneFile, Scopus databases were scanned using ‘co-bedding twins’ and ‘twins baby’ key words.
Results: As a result of scanning, 92 studies have been reached. Studies that meet the inclusion criteria have been taken into consideration. All the articles included in the scope of the determination were examined under the headings of subject, sample, method, conclusion and suggestions.
Conclusion: According to the results of the descriptive studies taken systematic review, it was determined that parents applied co-bedding of twin babies more frequently in the first quarter. In randomized controlled trials, it was determined that the co-bedding of twin babies had a positive effect on pain, satisfaction, weight gain, crying time after heel blood intake. It is recommended that more studies can do about co-bedding twin infants.