Nowadays health field, the treatment of visual arts in alternative treatment methods enables the use of visual arts for therapy purposes. At certain points in the human body are energy centers, called “chakra”, which have different frequencies and are associated with the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the chasers has a specific function, frequency, name, note, sense, reason, shape and color that affect both the body and the consciousness. While the mechanism of action of Reiki is not precisely clear, it is assumed that the organs are in communication through electromagnetic fields and that it helps to re-circulate the energy in the clogged channels. In this natural healing method, energy is transferred by hand. The nurse who carries out his profession in the care of the patient is a channel that transmits only the universal life energy and transfers the energies flowing in this process without losing energy but being strengthened and filled with energy. The energy delivered is determined according to the needs of the receiver. It is widely used in rehabilitation units, hospices, emergency care units, psychiatric clinics, operating rooms, retirement home / elderly care homes, pediatrics clinics, gynecology and gynecology clinics, and neonatal care clinics.