Objective: The study was conducted to assess critical thinking dispositions of doctoral students in medical sciences institute.
Methods: Sample of this descriptive study consists of 86 doctoral students in Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Medical Sciences. Data were collected by using sociodemographic data form and California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory. Descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation and simple regression were used in data assessment.
Results: 64% of the students were receiving doctoral education in the field of nursing, while 36% were in other programs of institute of medical sciences. Students’ critical thinking disposition score was 248,29±36,48, with the highest disposition in analyticity sub-dimension (47,94±4,87). According to regression analysis results, male students were found to have high inquisitiveness and systematicity disposition, while students in course period had high truth-seeking and open-mindedness dispositions.
Conclusion: It was concluded that students had moderate level of critical thinking disposition and the curriculum had to be improved for students to have higher critical thinking skills. It is recommended for educational environment to develop truth-seeking and open-mindedness dispositions and to support female students’ dispositions to be inquisitive and systematic.