Determination of Professional Values of Nursing Students
Original Research
P: 125 - 131

Determination of Professional Values of Nursing Students

J Acad Res Nurs 2020;6(1):125-131
1. Uskudar University, Faculty Of Health Sciences
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 2018-07-24T16:33:12
Accepted Date: 2020-06-01T16:43:56


Aim: The research was conducted to determine the nursing students’ professional value perception.

Methods: The descriptive study was conducted in September 2015 with 130 nursing students studying at a foundation university and accepting to participate in the research.. Data were collected using a socio-demographic form and Nurses Professional Values Scale(NPVS). Data were assessed using, number and percentage calculations, average dimensions, Mann Whitney U Test, Kruskal Wallis Test, One way variance analysis and Tukey test.

Results: According to the findings; 83.1 % of students who participated in the work were women, the averageage of the nursing students was 19.5±1.7. 36.9% of students choosed nursing because of find job easily, 34.6%of student schoosed nursing because of love and 4.6% of students weren’t satisfied with the nursing. The proportion of participants in a scientific meetings was 68.5%. The NPVS total mean score of studentswas120.2±1.4. The classes were compared between average observed statistically significant difference(P˂0.05). When the NPVS subscales were examined, there was no statistically significant difference between the classes as a result of the evaluation of human honor and autonomy. And there was a statistically significant difference between the classes in responsibility, mobility and security areas third grade students have higher scores than other classes. At the same time, it was determined that the mean scores of the participants in the scientific activities were higher than those who did not.

Conclusion: As a result of the study, the students' perception of professional values is high and varies according to their classes; As the class increased, the value perception increased. The participation of students in these activities should be encouraged as participation in scientific activities positively affects the perception of professional value.

Nursing, professional values, professionalism, student,