Objective: Codependency defined as "a learned or survival behaviour in dysfunctional families with resulting neglect of one’s own needs and excessively focusing on others". Its known that Codependency has a relation with disorder of parental functionality. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of family of origin relations to codependency in nurses.
Methods: 232 cases participated in the study. Applied Family of Origin Relations Inventory (FORI) and Nurse Codependency Questionnaire (NCQ) to cases. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 22.0.
Findings: The average age of 232 subjects took part in this study were 29,71±8,76. 90.5% of the subjects were female, 9.5% were male. The average FORI points of subjects were 12,75±3.64; the average “NCQ entire” points were 67,35±12,72; the average “codependent caretaking” sub-scale points were 38,49±9,29; the average “lack of voice” points were 28,85±5,61. There was a significant positive correlation (r=.153, p=.020) between FORI-“NCQ entire” points and high level significant positive correlation (r=.239, p=.000) between FORI-“NCQ lack of voice” sub-scale points.
Results: In this study we have come to the conclusion that the nurses’ problematic relationship with their origin family has a relation with the high co-dependency and lack of expression.