Knowledge and Attitudes of Nursing / Midwifery Students on Social Egg Freezing for Fertility Preservation
Original Research
P: 395 - 401

Knowledge and Attitudes of Nursing / Midwifery Students on Social Egg Freezing for Fertility Preservation

J Acad Res Nurs 2020;6(3):395-401
1. Ege University Nursing Faculty, Department of Women’s Health and Gynecology Nursing, Izmir/Turkey.
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Received Date: 2019-03-14T14:54:20
Accepted Date: 2020-12-23T14:51:53


Objective: The aim of this study is to to determine the knowledge level, and to investivagate the attitudes of nursing/midwifery female students about social egg freezing for the preservation of fertility.

Methods: This research is descriptive. The research was carried out on 525 female students in nursing and midwifery department of a public university in Izmir between March and June 2018. The questionnaire prepared by the researchers was used to collect the data and the data were collected by face to face interview. Descriptive statistical methods were used to evaluate the data. Written permission was obtained from the Scientific Research and Publish Ethical Committe, and relevant faculties, to conduct to study.

Results: The majority of the students (85.1%) stated that the most appropriate fertility age was between 25-29 years, and 51.8% stated that there was a significant decrease in the ability to become pregnant at age 40 and above. 65.6% of the students knew oocyte freezing, 31.2% social oocyte freezing. 31.2% stated that the ideal age range for freezing oocytes was 30-34 years of age for social reasons. Students have the highest number of social oocyte freeze; Women who are ≥35 years old (74.9%), women who postpone childbirth because of career and job opportunities (70.7%), women without appropriate spouse / partner (69.9%), and women who get the most cancer / chemotherapy treatment for medical reasons (74.5%). 23.3% of the students thought that they could consider oocyte freezing for social reasons and 13% of them could donate their eggs.

Conclusion: It was determined that the knowledge level of nursing/midwifery students about the social egg freezing was low and the attitudes toward social egg freezing was negative.

Fertility preservation, oocyte freezing, social egg freezing, age-related infertility, nurse/midwife, knowledge, attitude, opinion