Level Of Social Support Perceived By ClimactericWomen And Affecting Factors
Original Research
P: 66 - 72

Level Of Social Support Perceived By ClimactericWomen And Affecting Factors

J Acad Res Nurs 2017;3(2):66-72
1. Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology
2. Florence Nightingale Faculty Of Nursing Women
3. Hitit University School Of Health Nursing Department
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 2016-11-29T12:02:33
Accepted Date: 2017-09-06T17:02:58


Objective: Determination of the level of social support perceiving and affecting factors in climacteric women.Method: This study has been designed as a definitive and sectional study and the sample of the research consisted of 101 women,agreed to participate between 8January-28February 2014 and admitted to the menopause clinic of a university hospital in Istanbul.Data was collected by using the questionnaire form prepared in line with the literature and questionnaire form consist of related to socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics questions and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. These forms used to measure the size of perceived social support. Data were analyzed by SPSS 23.0 software package was used.Results: It was found that the average menopause age of the women was 46.26, the majority of women(61.4%)had menopause in the 43-50 age and 72.3% of the women were in menopause longer than 3years.The majority of women(82.2%)had naturall menopause and women's the average MSPSS score was 53.66 ± 13 098, It was determined also that women’s level of the social support was medium.It was determined that monthly income is above 1000 TL(p=0.012),living in the elementary family (p=0.0093), be in menopause shorter than 3years(p=0.008)and have a chronic disease (p=0.013),take psychological support during menopause (p=0.000)in women perceive higher level of social support from family.The rate of education level of women(p=0.037), monthly income (p=0.036) and getting information about menopause (p=0.007) increases the women’s level of perceived social support from friends increases.And it was also determined from the study be in less than three years in menopause(p=0.008),have a chronic diseases (p=0.013),receive psychological support during menopause (p=0.000) in women, perceive higher level of social support from friends.Women who have health insurance perceive higher level of social support from the partner or spouse (p=0.014) was identified.

Menopause, social support, influencing factors