There are a number of approaches to be followed up to become a registered nurse at overseas. First, there are three year diploma programs; second, two year associate degree programs; and third, there are good quality baccalaureate degree programs, where students gain essential skills to be well equipped nurses. On successful completion of the mentioned programs, one can be a registered nurse. However, graduates from different programs would have different roles, responsibilities and authorities. Graduate programs in nursing are divided into two categories, which are masters and doctorate courses. Doctorate programs are also classied in two categories of research-based programs called doctor of philosophy (PhD) and practice-based programs called doctor of nursing practice (DNP). Professional development of nursing has been very popular, because the development of nursing education together with increasing healthcare expenditures increase demand on quality health care services. As a consequence of these, Advance Practice Nursing Roles (APNR) have been emerged. In the nursing literature, very limited studies have aimed to explain the education process and professional development of nursing. In this review, we, therefore, aimed to highlight the education process and the extended roles of the nursing in overseas countries.