Perception of health news: a scale development study
Original Research
P: 164 - 171

Perception of health news: a scale development study

J Acad Res Nurs 2018;4(3):164-171
1. Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Department Of Health Management, Istanbul
2. Hacettepe University, Faculty Of Economics And Administrative Sciences, Department Of Health Management, Ankara
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 2018-01-24T15:27:19
Accepted Date: 2018-12-31T13:54:12


Objective: The research was carried out to develop a "Perception of Health News Scale" to measure the behavior towards the demand for health services at the individual level appropriate for Turkish culture.

Method: This methodological study was conducted between October 2017 and December 2017 with 296 students studying at the health sciences faculty of a foundation university located in Europe near Istanbul. The data were obtained with a personal information form and a 36-item health news perception scale scale. For the draft Scale; peer review, surface validity, expert evaluation, content validity, correlation between materials for internal consistency / reliability, calculation of Cronbach Alpha values, explanatory factor analysis for construct validity.

Result: Scope validity of the scale as a result of the expert evaluation is 0.87. The correlation values between the scales were r = 0.42 - 0.71 and is the Cronbach Alpha value = 0.84. Kaiser-Meyer Olkin value of scale = 0.80, Bartlett test χ2 = 2356,677; p = 0.000, anti-image r values = 0.70-0.89 found between. The items with a factor load value of less than 0.50 were extracted from the scale and it was found that the scale had 26 items and the total variance explained was 53.3% and it was composed of 5 sub factors such as commercial anxiety and advertisement, adverse effect on health behavior, treatment desire and abuse and trust in health journalism.

Conclusion: This scale is a reliable and valid measurement tool for determining the perception of individuals' health news.

Health Behavior, Perception, Health Journalism.