Objective: The aim of this study was to determine pressure ulcer prevalence in patients hospitalised in a neurology intensive care unit of a university hospital.
Methods: The sample of this descriptive and retrospective study consisted of patients hospitalised in a neurology intensive care unit of a university hospital between January-December 2015. Data regarding pressure ulcers were retrieved from patient files retrospectively and data from 92 patient files were obtained.
Results: The majority of 92 patients were male (55.4%), mean age of patients was 64.98±16.2 and mean length of hospital stay was 20.2±18.3 days. The majority of patients (79.3%) were diagnosed with ischemic stroke and 65% of the patients had a concomitant disease (hypertension, diabetesorboth). Mean Braden pressure ulcer risk scores were14.8±3.7, and 50% of the patients were at moderate-high risk according to the scale. The prevalence of the pressure ulcers was found to be 15.2% (n=14), but it was determined that pressure ulcers were already present in four patients (4.4%) prior to their stay in neurology intensive care. Therefore prevalence of pressure ulcers which developed in neurology intensive care unit was found to be 10.9% (n=10). Pressure ulcers occured mostly in sacral area, and they were mostly stage 1 ulcers.
Conclusion: Patients admitted to the neurology intensive care units should be evaluated for pressure ulcers and risk factors until discharge.ge.