Objective: This study was conducted to determine the quality
of life of surgical nurses and effective factors.
Method: The study was realized with the nurses working in
a surgical clinic of a private university hospital. The population
of our study consisted of 263 nurses working in these
hospitals, and, and the sample of the investigat,on comprised
of 210 nurses that agreed to participate in our study.
The Personal Information Form and the Quality of Life
Instrument (Short Form-36) developed by the investigators
were used to gather data. Numerical values, percentage,
arithmetic mean, standard deviation, mean, minimum and
maximum values, Mann-Whitney-U test, Kruskal-Wallis H
test were used to evaluate the data. P values under 0.05
were regarded as significant.
Result: The nurses obtained the highest scores in the
“Physical Function” (85.91±15.11) sub-dimension of the
quality of life scale, and the lowest scores in the “Physical
Role” (46.90±39.46) sub-dimension. Mean scores of the
nurses obtained from scale subdimensions (85.91±15.11),
were higher than mean scores of physical role (46.90±39.46),
painı (62.66±24.24), general health (63.70±18.68)) psychological
health (energy (51.85±20.29), social function
(67.85±23.67), emotional role (54.28±37.25), mental health
(62.62±17.58) A significant correlation was identified between
the quality of life of the nurses and their ages, duration
of professional service, existing disease, smoking status
and physical exercise (p<0.05). No correlation was
identified between the quality of life and gender, marital
status, education level, monthly income, average sleep
duration, or average number of meals.
Conclusion: The findings obtained from research based on
the results of sub-dimensions of the scale revealed that the
average physical health scores of nurses are higher than
their psychological health scores.