There is a constant interaction between biological needs and psycho-social needs of a human being. Therefore a physical problem might cause many different pathologic changes. For this reason, the idea that every patient must be assessed with a holistic approach, meaning, pshysically, socially, emotionally, culturally and spiritually, gains importance. Spiritual distress shows up when a person’s belief system is threatened and by different stress cources and rough life events and when the person is affected biologically, psychologically, socioculturally and spiritually by these events. Spiritual distress indicates the deformation of the system of values which gives life a meaning. Many different crises or losses might cause this distress; such as loss of a loved, unemployment, loss of status, financial burdens or a major health issue, loss of an organ or a change in body image. Spiritual dimension of patient care must be considered and interest of all health practitioners’ on spirituality should be raised. To help patients effectively, raising awareness on spirituality and its importance among health care practitioners is very important.