Stress management is of great importance for organizations to achieve sustainable competitive advantage and to achieve organizational goals by effectively managing human resources. The ability of healthcare professionals, who experience intense and stressful working hours, to cope with stress, will support their job crafting and happiness at work by enhancing their motivation. Healthcare workers have been the most affected professional group in the COVID-19 pandemic that has rapidly affected the whole world. The aim of this study was to reveal the effect of stress levels on healthcare professionals’ job crafting and job happiness. According to the results of the correlation analysis, there is a statistically negative and weak relationship between the overall job stress scale score and the total score of the job crafting scale and between the happiness at work scale score and the overall job stress scale score. At the same time, there is a weak positive relationship between the happiness at work scale score and the task, cognitive, and relational crafting subscale scores. Linear regression analysis also supports this result. In line with these results, it was determined that as job stress increases, it negatively affects job skills and happiness at work, while the skills of employees who are happy at work increase.
It is expected that this study will raise awareness, provide guidance to managers and decision-makers who are working in the health sector, and provide input for future studies.