The Effect of Research Course in Nursing on Students' Awareness and Attitude Towards Research and Development
Original Research
P: 498 - 505

The Effect of Research Course in Nursing on Students' Awareness and Attitude Towards Research and Development

J Acad Res Nurs 2020;6(3):498-505
1. Department Of Nursing, Çankırı Karatekin University, Çanıkırı/turkey
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Received Date: 2018-07-03T16:35:30
Accepted Date: 2020-12-23T15:37:55


Aim: To determine the effect of research course in nursing on students' awareness and attitudes towards research and development.

Method: The study was conducted between April 1, 2018 and May 5, 2018 in a nursing department of a university in Central Anatolia. Totally 145 students were enrolled the study. Of the 70 students took a research course and 75 did not take course agreed to participate. 122 students participated voluntarily. Data were collected using a sociodemographic data form and “Nursing Students’ Attitudes Towards and Awareness of Research and Development within Nursing Scale”

Findings: The mean age of the students was 21.75 ± 1.5, 63% of them were female and 41% of them took the course of research methods. 53.3% of the research group stated that they participated in at least one research activity. The total score of the students' "Awareness and Attitudes Toward Research and Development in Nursing" scale was 116.01 ± 18.42. It was determined that the students who participated in the research course had more participation in the research activities (χ²= 7.376, p=.005) and had higher mean scores of “Nursing Students’ Attitudes Towards and Awareness of Research and Development within Nursing Scale” scores (U=1440.000, p=.061).

Conclusion: The results of the study show that the research course both affects the awareness and attitude towards research and development in nursing positively and increases participation in research and scientific activities.

Nursing research, research course, nursing students