Therapeutic clown intervention in art therapy is applied to reduce the level of anxiety and stress and has a positive effect especially on children.In this respect, it was aimed to determine the effect of therapeutic clown intervention on mental health in children by using systematic compilation method and to investigate the randomized controlled studies in order to find out what kind of studies are needed in this field.
The study was conducted by checking the Sciencedirect, EBSCO Host, Pubmed, Ulakbim, Türk Tıp Dizini ve Google Akademik. The database research was performed in English and Turkish using keywords and synonyms for them. 13 studies were included in this study.
All of the studies included in the study are randomized controlled studies.Different measurement tools were used in the research.It has been determined that the intervention reduces anxiety and stress levels in children, increases compliance with treatment, and has a positive effect on the caregivers not only on children but also on the caregivers.
In our country, the studies on clown intervention are insufficient so experimental and qualitative studies should be conducted with different specific samples.