This study has been conducted as a cross-sectional case work in order to assign the effect of education for waste seperation, being provided to primary education students by midwifery students using knowledge transfer method, on family knowledge level within the scope of community service practices class.
It’s been carried out at three primary schools located in Kemalpaşa, İzmir. The students of 4th and 5th grades at these primary schools and their families form the target population of the study (n: 845). Sample selection hasn’t been held and it’s been aimed to reach to the full of target population, and the sudy has been carried with solely 572 families. The data has been gathered by the researchers. Number percentage distribution, Mc Nemar’s Test and t-test methods have been used in analyzing of the data.
Intended for recycling practices of the students and their families participating into the study, it’s been stated that the 59.0% of them doesn’t seperate waste before the education, the 53.8% of them hasn’t got anyone familiar who seperate waste, the 64.0% of them sperates waste after the education. The families knowledge score for the separation of wastes after the education has increased significantly (p<0.05).
In the study it has been identified that after the education the level of the knowledge for families has significantly increased and they have developed the behavior of waste sorting more and more. The ability to overcome the environmental problems is only possible by beginning environment training at an early age and as a result to create a conscious society. The fact that Primary school teachers gives weight to the subjects related to environment, preparing related projects will contribute to increase awareness and producing solutions to these problems.