The Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviorus of 112 Emergency Health Personnel About Electrocardiography
Original Research
P: 8 - 13

The Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviorus of 112 Emergency Health Personnel About Electrocardiography

J Acad Res Nurs 2020;6(1):8-13
1. Çorlu State Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine
2. Trakya University Medical School, Department of Emergency Medicine
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 2018-07-25T19:52:39
Accepted Date: 2020-06-01T15:56:56


Introduction: This study was conducted between April 8,2016-April 15,2016,using face-to-face surveys.The questionnaire consists of 51 questions consisting of open ended and multiple choice questions.

Results: A total of 122 participants were included in the study.The average age of participants was 27.58±4.59 years and the average duration of duty was 5.71±3.43 years.When the participants are examined in terms of their profession;63,1% were found to be emergency medical technicians and 36,9%(n=45)were paramedic.When the educational status of the participants is examined;36.9%(n=45)of them were graduated from associate degree and 63.1%(n=77)were graduated from health vocational high school.Nearly all of the participants(98.4%)stated that they had ECG in their patients describing chest pain.The majority of participants(90.2%)knew how to place extremity leads during ECGmextraction,only 23% knew to place chest leads correctly.Despite the fact that 74.6%(n=91) of paramedics and EMTs had ECG training before, 94.3% (n=115)requested to repeat these trainings.While 87% (n=114)of participants seeking ECG training demanded that this training be given by a physician, the proportion of those requiring Responsible/Education Nursing or Paramedic/EMT ratio is 2.3%10.7% respectively.When analyzed according to professional groups;the informing behavior of the patient about the procedure was similar before performing ECG from both groups(p=0,183).It was found that there was no difference between paramedics and EMTs in terms of recognition of the data on ECG paper(p=0,132).Paramedic and EMTs responded correctly at similar rates to rhythm analysis,velocity measurement,and ST segment anomalies in ECG.EMTs were found to make more errors in diagnosing SVT and ST compared to paramedics(respectively p=0.004-0.035).

Conclusion: Paramedic and EMTs working at 112 stations in Edirne were found to respond to questions about ECG performing aim,rhythm analysis,speed measurement,wave patterns and ST segment anomalies in a highly accurate manner and the importance of the continuity of the trainings in this subject has once again emerged.

Emergency medical technician, Paramedic, Electrocardiography