The Relation Between Body Perception and Acceptance of Prenancy Related with The Weight Gain During The Pregnancy
Original Research
P: 426 - 432

The Relation Between Body Perception and Acceptance of Prenancy Related with The Weight Gain During The Pregnancy

J Acad Res Nurs 2020;6(3):426-432
1. Trakya University, Faculty Of Health Science, Department Of Nursing, Department Of Women Health And Diseases Nursing, Edirne, Turkey.
2. Trakya University, Faculty Of Health Science, Department Of Nursing, Department Of Mental Health And Psychiatry Nursing, Edirne/turkey.
3. Ege University, Faculty Of Nursing, Department Of Mental Health And Diseases Nursing, Izmir, Turkey.
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Received Date: 2019-06-17T09:01:32
Accepted Date: 2020-12-23T14:58:19


Aim: This study aims to investigate the relation between body perception and acceptance of prenancy related with the weight gain during the pregnancy.

Material-Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted between December 2017 and January 2018 at the Health Research and Application Center Hospital, Gynecology and Urology Polyclinics of a university in Edirne. The study was conducted with 185 women who presented to the hospital. Data were collected with the information form prepared by the researchers according to the literature, The Subscale Body Perception of Pregnancy Self-Perception of Pregnants Scale (SPSS-BPP) and The subscale Acceptance of Pregnancy of Prenatal Self-Evaluation Questionnaire (PSEQ-AP).

Results: The mean of age was found 29.9 ± 6.4 years, marriage time was 7.3 ± 6.5 years, gestational week was 26.0 ± 8.3 weeks, the mean of weight that they gained during pregnancy was 9.1 ± 4.1 kilos. It was determined that 64.9% of pregnants were uncomfortable with kilos and 14.6% of them thought that others were uncomfortable with their kilos. The mean of subscale Body Perception of Pregnancy of SPPS was 15.7 ± 5.4. The mean of subscale Acceptance of Pregnancy of PSEQ scores were 23.8 ± 14.6. There was a correlation between SPSS-BPP scores and PSEQ-AP scores of pregnant women. There was a correlation between weight they gained during pregnancy and SPSS-BPP and PSEQ-AP scores of pregnant women.

Conclusion: According to results, while the body perception of pregnancy increased positively, the acceptance of pregnancy also increased. When the acceptance of pregnancy increased, body perception also affected positively.

Body Perception, Pregnancy, Weight Gain, Acceptance of Pregnancy.