Nature is a notable shelter and an economic resource for
subsistence of all living creatures. However, human beings
began to useor even exploit the nature illimitably with time
insomuch as they have lived unaware of their harming the
nature for a long time.
Environmental pollution that is one of the crucial destructions
in nature has increased qualitatively and quantitatively,
and it has stepped further up on the ability of the
environment renewing itself. Environmental pollution has
taken place near the top of the countries’ agenda as a consequence
of population growth and rise of civic centers. A
sustainable future requires awareness about environmental
problems and acting behaviours protecting environment for
solution of these problems. Education is one of the significant
environmental protectionist behaviours.
Raising awareness against environment and protecting
environment is not only the mission of environmentalists
and providing training for environment is not only the mission
of environmental trainers. Everyone ihas to feel responsible
for it. It brings more responsibility about this issue
to The schools, and trainers taking on the task of bringing
up conscious and qualified people should assume greater