INTRODUCTION: Ankara Chamber of Commerce notifying: "To the "Lifeless Women File" report that they prepared under the name of "What's Happening to Us?", in Turkey, the count of prostitutes working as secret/licenced are approaching to 100 thousand (ATO 2004). Espacially for the mental health prostitutes which composing the bring high risk group will be helpfull geting social support from mental health nurse as for the challenges that they lived. This workout has planned for specify psycho-social situations of prostitutes who work in prostitution sector.
METHODS: Be in illustrator type workout started after got written acknowledgement from Aydın Community Health Institution and with research ethics committee approval in brothels in Aydın, between 15 January, 15 March 2016. Had taken 44 women into the scope of sample which had accepted to join survey as written and verbal from 53 women who are working registered. For survey's datas personal knowledge form psycho-social well-being scale and Eysenck Personality survey reviewed and shortened form has used. Survey's illustrator statistic values has been found for the independent and dependent continuous variables and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test used for specify scale point's range. All results obtained in survey tested as dual and statistical significance level accepted at least 0,5. Survey's all statistical analysis's made by SPSS for Windows 15.0 packet programme.
RESULTS: Lived their childhood period with their parents are %47.8,Lived their childhood period with just one parent are %32.6, Lived their childhood period with a relative are %10.3,Lived in dormitory are %6.5,Women's %47.8 clarifyed that they had exposed to violance and %47.8 had transmited a psychological disease in their childhood period. While sample group's neuroticism points are increasing, by extension, psychological well-being points are decreasing in statistical way obtained significant correlations (p <0.1) EKA-GGK with extrovert sub-dimension and psychological well-being scales's between "environmental dominance" (p <0,1), "personal development" (p <0,5), "self assent" (p <0,1) and psychological well-being total (p <0.1) points in positive way. While sample group's neuroticism points are increasing, by extension, psychological well-being points are decreasing in statistical way obtained significant correlations (p <0,1) EKA-GGK with extrovert sub-dimension and psychological well-being scales's between "environmental dominance" (p <0,5), "self assent" (p <0,01) and psychological well-being total (p <0,1) points in positive way.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: For be resolved the problems about prostitution need to make remark without prejudices, understand the causes prostitution are important (Odabaşı 2000; Küntay ve Çokar 2007; Pheterson 1990). It's be in sight the family atmosphere is so important on being dragged along to prostitution (Başoğlu1979;Lung,Lin, Lu, ve Shu 2004; Sevim, Özden ve Yargıç 2004; Seyyar 2015). Family members should get conscious about child raising. Children should observing about omission and draft. Provide as community health nurses support prostitutes in psycho-social way, have an active part in struggle with being stigmatized. Raising should specialized psychiatry nurse/community health nurse in this purview and generate psycho-social consultansy services