ISSN 2149-4983 | e-ISSN: 2149-9306
Volume : 10 Issue: 1 Year : 2024
Publication Policies | JAREN / Journal of Academic Research in Nursing

Publication Policies

This guideline has been prepared by examining the leading national and international institutions of the publishing sector, and it has been found appropriate and adopted by the editorial board of the journal. It is recommended that all researchers who will send their studies to the journal should examine this guide carefully. The resources and international authorities used during the preparation proces of these policies are indicated at the end of the guideline.

Utilized Resources
Budapest Open Access Initiative
Creative Commons
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
DOAJ Principles Of Transparency And Best Practice In Scholarly Publishing, Version 3
Education and Science Journal  Publication Policies
ICMJE (International Committee Of Medical Journal Editors)
COHE Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive

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