Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Gıda Satın Alma Davranışları ve Gıda Güvenliği Endişelerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Orjinal Araştırma
CİLT: 10 SAYI: 1
P: 1 - 8

Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Gıda Satın Alma Davranışları ve Gıda Güvenliği Endişelerinin Değerlendirilmesi

J Acad Res Nurs 2024;10(1):1-8
1. Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Hamidiye Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Acil Yardım ve Afet Yönetimi Bölümü, İstanbul
Bilgi mevcut değil.
Bilgi mevcut değil
Alındığı Tarih: 2023-06-21T13:49:17
Kabul Tarihi: 2024-04-29T18:11:59


Aim: This research aimed to determine the factors contributing to the awareness of university students about food purchasing and safety.

Materials and Methods: In the research, a questionnaire was applied to the purchasing behaviors and attitudes of the participants, their awareness and their knowledge about purchasing.

Results: 64.8% (n=175) of the students participated in the research. The three most important factors that the participants considered when purchasing food were food hygiene with 92.6% (n=162), expiry date with 91.4% (n=160), and food poisoning with 85.7% (n=150). Among the independent variables affecting purchasing, only the mean scores of ‘convenient to cook’ were higher in those in their first and second years compared to those in their third and fourth years (t=2.459; p<0.05). Among the participants, the male participants had less food concerns than the female participants about the feed given to livestock (OR=2.99, CI=1.53-5.81; p<0.01). Those in their first and second years had less concerns re-garding food hygiene (OR=7.52, GA=1.18-47.96; p<0.05) and the use of pesticides to grow food (OR=2.65, CI=1.01-6.96; p<0.05) compared to those in their third and fourth years.

Conclusion: It was found that the purchasing behavior of the food products offered to the participants was moderately affected, while their food safety concerns were found to be highly affected.

Anahtar Kelimeler:
Davranış, besin güvenliği, gıda endişeleri, satın alma davranışları, üniversite öğrencisi